Hello, My Name is

Nazir Ahmad ZAHIRI

Front-End Developer.
who writes clean,efficient and elegant code.



About me

Front-End Developer and Machine Learning Engineer

My name is Nazir Ahmad ZAHIRI. I'm a Master student at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Computer Engineering Department. I was born in Afghanistan Kandahar.

I’m a Front-End Developer located in Ankara, Turkey. I have a serious passion for UI effects, animations and creating intuitive, dynamic user experiences.

Well-organised person, problem solver, independent employee with high attention to detail. Fan of MMA, outdoor activities, TV series and movies.

Interested in the entire frontend rainbow and working on ambitious projects with positive people.

I also have intrest in machine learning, data mining and artificial intelligenc where my Master degree is in the reated area and I'm delighted about this scope.

Download Resume

My Web Skills

HTML 90%
CSS 80%
JavaScript 85%
React JS 70%
React Native 55%
AngularJS 50%
Vue.Js 30%

Recent Projects

Project 1

Afghan-Clothing E-Commerce Website

Create a responsive e-commerce clothing website for a having a shoppage, contactpage, signin and signup Pages with a navigation bar along with the shop logo that can redirect the client to multiple pages to review the full menu, the shoppage includes many other pages as Mens, Womens, Sneakers, Hats etc.... all using HTML, CSS and ReactJs, React-Redux and firebase.


Project 2

Restaurant Website Project Using-html-css-and-JSAngular

Create a professional and fully functional website for a restaurant having a homepage with a navigation bar along with the restaurant’s logo that can redirect the client to multiple pages to review the full menu or know about the restaurant or back to the homepage, all using HTML, CSS and JSAngular on Visual Studio Code .In this project, you will be able to identify and apply the basic concepts of HTML, CSS and JSAngular. You will efficiently grasp the fundamental meaning of every component , be able to use it and identify when to actually make use of this component.


Project 3

CRUD Operation with Razor Pages in ASP.Net Core

Creating my very first project BookList. The following is a razor project which I have created and will take a look at the file and folders that are created with this. by making this project I also understand how an ASP.Net Core application is started and what are the files that are involved.


Project 4

Book Recommendation System using Machine Learning

The huge amount of data available on the Internet has preceded to the development of recommendation systems. In the following project I have proposed the use of soft dividing techniques to develop recommendation systems. This addresses the limits of current algorithms used to implement book recommendation systems. evaluation of experimental results, and conclusion. Recommendation systems are a type of info categorizing that is based on first choice of the user. The aim of a recommendation system to enhance user knowledge and communication with the system to improve traffic and in turn boost company income.


Project 5

Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning

The major objective is to detect the fake news, which is a typical text classification problem with a consecutive further proposition. It is necessary to develop a prototype that can differentiate between “Real” news and “Fake” news. Fake news straightforward meaning is to integrate information that directs people to the wrong path. These Days fake news is expanding like water and people share this information with no authenticating it. This is frequently done to advance or require specific proposals and is frequently completed with diplomatic programs. For mass media channels, the power to appeal audiences to their websites is required to produce online marketing proceeds. So, it is essential to detect fake news.


Project 6

Customer Market Segmentation using Unsupervised Machine Learning

The major objective of this project Customer Segmentation is the process of dividing customers into groups based on common characteristics so companies can market to each group effectively and appropriately. Customers are segmented according to their similarities in behavior and habits.In this project I implemented unsupervised machine learning algorithms: K-means. In collaboration with a delivery company. My goal is to segment their customers given the customer’s various behaviors and features, in order for the company to be able to market for each segment in a manner that is more fitting to each individual customer.


Contact info


+90 553 864 4989

+93 700 908 757





Anıttepe Mah. Nigar Sok. No: 2/15 Çankaya/Ankara Turkey